WHST - Wild Haired Science Teacher


Here I host apps I made for my classroom so everyone can use them.

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Welcome to my apps

Who is the Wild Haired Science Teacher?

I’m a science teacher in the Chicago Public Schools. For the past 12 years, I’ve been making simple web apps for my own classroom. They have made three dimensional NGSS-style science teaching easier and everyday for my students; now I want everyone to benefit from them.

The apps load on any web connected device and are free for everyone. Student’s don’t need an account or anything special to access. They just need to load a webpage.

This is a list of all the apps available. The apps are sorted by content area and how you might use them. I want to help as many students as possible get a high-quality three-dimensional science education. The apps will always be free.

If you find them useful, consider donating to the Wild Haired Science Teacher on patreon. You’ll support development of more apps!

Individual Content Areas Pages

physics apps - earth & space apps - biology apps - chemistry apps

Virtual Labs/Phenomena

These replicate something like you would get with a hands on lab. Students can change things and see final velocities.

Bug In Meadow - Biology - Replicates the common Bead Bug activity. click/tap the bugs on a meadow to eat half of them. Click “count” to see how many of each color survived and then have them reproduce. After several generations you see strong selection pressure based on the colors in the meadow. This is one of the first I made so it looks janky but it works better than any actual beads and cloth version I’ve seen.

Bone, Cartilage, Tendon and Histology - Biology Shows slides of Students zoom in on four slides. Solid Bone, Tendon, Hyaline Cartilage, and Fibrocartilage. I could probably add elastic cartilage if there was demand but I am not talking about it with my students so I left it off. Start with a 10x slide and zoom in to 40x-200x micrographs. Pointers show clear examples of the cell types. Big thank you to Berkshire Community College Bioscience Image Library for releasing their microscopy photos in the public domain.

Cell Scale - Biology - Zoom in and out to different scales of photo micrographs of cells. The animal cell has labels. The plant cell does not. Big thank you to Berkshire Community College Bioscience Image Library for releasing their microscopy photos in the public domain.

Connective Tissue Histology Slides - Biology - Shows different types of irregular connective tissue: Dense, reticular, areloar, and white adipose. Start with a 10x slide and zoom in to 40x-200x micrographs. Pointers show clear examples of the cell types. Big thank you to Berkshire Community College Bioscience Image Library for releasing their microscopy photos in the public domain. Please let me know if the labels are wrong. It’s been a long time since I took histology and I couldn’t find my textbook.

Epithelium Histology Slides - Biology - Shows different types of epithelial cells: simple cuboidal, simple columnar, and squamous. Start with a 10x slide and zoom in to 40x-200x micrographs. Pointers show clear examples of the cell types. Big thank you to Berkshire Community College Bioscience Image Library for releasing their microscopy photos in the public domain.

Fish Population - Biology - A population of fish live in a pool wahc with its own simulated genome. The fish’s appearance depends (in an unrealistic way) on the genome. If two fish overlap with similar enough DNA, they will reproduce. In one pool, mutation will cause the population to drift over time. THe user can separate the fish into two pools and watch them diverge over time and then recombine them to see if they are two distinct species.

Onion Root Tip Slides - Biology - Shows onion root tip slides. Start with a macro picture of green onions and zoom in on two roots at 40x and 100-400x. Slides are chosen to show stages of mitosis clearly. Big thank you to Berkshire Community College Bioscience Image Library for releasing their microscopy photos in the public domain.

Peppered Moths - Biology - Classic peppered moth experiment with a graph to show directional and stabilizing selection. User taps moths to eat them. After half are eaten the simulation automatically counts and reproduces them with a small amount of mutation. The simulation shows can show clean trees or sooty trees, or the user can change the darkness.

Air Pressure Paper - Chemistry/Physics - Very simple simulation of air particles hitting a paper. Drag the right edge of the paper to change its size. Measures the width of the paper and the number of hits per second. I once started the year with trying to flip a ruler with a single sheet of news paper on it. This simulation helped the students make sense of why the news paper is able to stop the ruler if it is flat but not if it is folded up. Text is huge because I used it on a projector as a whole class.

Balloon - Chemistry - Look for gas patterns using a particle model of an inflated balloon. Students can change the number of particles and the temperature and see how the size of the balloon changes. The balloon size depends on collisions with the particles, something the students can figure out through observation. I originally made this for astronomy, so the base version doesn’t show gas outside the balloon. There is a version showing the balloon in an atmosphere where the balloon only shrinks when hit by gas on the outside. There are also versions in °C for the base version and atmosphere version. Note: This simulation does not try to accurately model temperature. It cannot be used for a mathematical representation of gas laws.

Heat Capacity - Chemistry/Physics - Heat or cool metal balls of different sizes and materials and put it in water to measure the change in water temperature. You can watch visually or export a data series as csv.

Light and Temperature - Chemistry/Physics - Change the temperature of a black body. See the distribution of light by wavelength and see an approximation of the color. I have a version that shows the distribution by frequency too I could fix up if there is interest.

Mg HCl - Chemistry - Simulates HCl reacting with Mg. Shows the molecules and graphs of compound levels. I made this for a friend so I haven’t used it personally, but it has been tested by a number of chemistry teachers.

Planet Gas Model - Pressure - A particle model with gravity. Students can discover patterns and figure out how why pressure changes with elevation on a planet like Earth. The gas particles follow only simple rule. Gravity pulls towards the center. Unlike most of my simulations, this one uses code from an physics library which doesn’t conserve energy well so it has to reset every 30 seconds. There is also a version with no solid planet in the middle.

Rusting - Chemistry - Simulates rusting at different temperatures and environments and for different shapes. Shows the molecules. I made this for a friend so I haven’t used it personally, but It has been tested by a number of chemistry teachers.

Temperature Solids - Chemistry/Physics - Simulates the movement of particles in two solids at different temperatures. You can change the size of each solid (number of particles) and starting temperature and you can drag them to touch or not touch. You see a graph of their temperature over time. I made this for a friend so I haven’t used it personally, but It has been tested by a number of chemistry teachers.

Water Temperature - Chemistry - Place a small beaker of water into a larger dish of water. Can control the initial temperatures and volumes. Shows the temperature over time. Can export data as csv.

Atmosphere - Earth & Space - Simulation of light energy interacting with CO₂ in the atmosphere. Shows light of different wavelengths from the sun and infrared leaving.

Gravity Assist - Earth & Space - Students can figure out the conditions for how a spacecraft can use the gravity from a planet to speed up or slow down.

ISS Orbit - Earth & Space - Change the velocity of the ISS to make it orbit the Earth. Helps with understanding how an orbit works.

Moon - Earth&Space - App shows the moon, Earth, and sun in a top view and a view of the moon from the Earth. Users can see the change the phase throughout the lunar cycle and how they connect to the location of each body.

Orbit Examples 1 - Earth & Space - Shows four orbits around the Earth including low earth, geostationary, and very elliptical. Good for finding patterns in orbits.

Orbit Examples 2 - Earth & Space - More examples of orbits. Shows a transfer orbit from a close to a far circular orbit.

Planet Energy - Earth & Space - Shows the Earth and Mercury change temperature over time. Mercury is hotter during the day but colder at night. I used this phenomenon to start a unit about climate change. Also available as a version that shows photons entering and leaving the planet: Planet Energy With Light. Versions in °C: Without Light and with Light. You an also change the location of the marker on Earth.

Air Cannon Momentum - Physics - Simple air cannon. Students can control the muzzle velocity and mass of an air cannon projectile. This version collects momentum vs mass data. The app has some randomness so students can practice their analyzing and interpreting data skills. Data can be downloaded as csv.

Ball on Ramp - Physics - A simple ball on a ramp. Drag to change the height and width of the ramp. I use this one to practice planning and carrying out investigations. Also available as a sliding block with friction with fixed μ. There is some randomness in the values so students can practice using the analyzing and interpreting data practice. Also available in a version that shows energy. Now also block ramp graph shows a graph of velocity vs. time rather than just the final numbers. It has random amount of friction each time the app is loaded.

Ball on Ramp Data - Physics - Similar to the app above but rewritten so that it can record data downloadable as csv. Students can practice finding patterns and their use of analyzing and interpreting data. In the main version, the ball rolls down the ramp and records the final velocity, but it is also availible in a version rolling up the ramp where the ball has an an initial velocity and it records the height and where the ball can roll up or down by giving the ramp a positive or negative height.

Cannon - Physics - Cannon that fires a ball. You can change the power of the cannon and the angle of fire. Students use a ruler to measure the range of the cannon and a stopwatch to measure air time. This version has a small amount of randomness in it so students can practice their analyzing and interpreting data but it doesn’t stand in the way of seeing the patterns This version allows angles 10° to 40° so students see a simple increasing pattern. Update: 2020-09-17 Now loads the right app. Also available with high angles only (50° to 80°) so students see a clear decreasing pattern and the full range of angles(10° to 80°). There is also a version with more statistical noise and a full range of angles so students can focus on analyzing and interpreting data practice.

Cart and Pulley - Physics - Cart attached to a string over a pulley with a weight on the end. It has basic directions on the screen. Also available without directions.

Collisions - Physics - Change masses and initial velocities and measure final velocities. The basic app shows only initial and final velocities with hard collisions. Collision Spring gives adjustable springs to the carts and graphs velocity/acceleration/force vs. time. Data are downloadable as a csv. Collision with Wall shows one cart colliding with an immovable object and graphs with downloadable data. Collision Carts only shows velocites like the original but has the visuals and ranges like the versions with springs. Connected Carts connects the two carts by a spring. Students can add external forces.

Distance Table Graph - Physics - Drag and drop a truck and see the distance vs. time data it produces. Visualize the data as a graph and table. Students can download the data as a csv. See also Velocity Table Graph Simple and Velocity Table Graph Relative.

Elastic Energy - Physics - Drag to stretch a rubber band. Shows the distance, force required, and elastic energy. I use this for practice describing patterns as linear and non-linear.

Electric Car - Physics - Simple and Early version - Students set the maximum speed of an electric car and watch the battery drain. I used it for my students to practice looking at linear and non linear relationships. It was part of a whole unit on electric cars.

Electric Car Acceleration - Physics - Students can change the car’s mass mass and force. The app measures the final velocity and graphs it vs. force. Students can download the data and calculate work or ΔEnergy.

Electric Car Data - Physics - Students can change the car’s mass mass and force. The app measures the car’s energy drain from the battery after driving a certain distance. Students can download the data as a CSV file to analyze in a speadsheet. The way I used it, students found the relationship between force, distance, and change in energy to discover the work relationship. It was their introduction into using a spreadsheet to do arithmetic on data since their normal approach of finding a trendline didn’t work as the data was presented.

Electric Car Distance - Physics - Students can change the car’s mass mass and and let it travel an adjustable distance. The app measures the car’s energy drain from the battery. Students can download the data as a CSV file to analyze in a spreadsheet. The way I used it, students discovered that driving at a constant speed for a longer distance doesn’t significantly increase the drain on the battery.

Frequency Composer - Physics - Students enter frequencies into two tracks and the app plays back the sound. Students can share a link to play back their compositions. Example 1 Example 2 The app has some technical limitations. Tones are only even number frequencies between 200 and 998 Hz. Students can’t alter amplitude or duration of the tones.

Heat Capacity - Chemistry/Physics - Heat or cool metal balls of different sizes and materials and put it in water to measure the change in water temperature. You can watch visually or export a data series as csv.

Hill Distance - Physics - A cart hanging from a spring scale on a ramp. Students can change the angle of the ramp, the height of the ramp, and the mass of the car. Using work = force × distance, they can discover patterns showing potential energy and its relationship to height and the dependence on the path. The way I used it, students used this to plan experiments to verify predictions on which mountains would be ‘harder’ to drive up. This helped separate the idea of force and power.

Index of Refraction - Physics - How can you tell the difference between a real diamond and a fake? Use Snell’s law of course. Practice on water, glass, and plastic then determine if your diamond sample is real or a fake. In this simulation you drag and rotate a laser, ruler, and protractor.

Map Measure - Physics/Earth&Space - Shows a map or image overlain with a digital ruler. Students can drop waypoints to form a route on the map. You can add your own map using the image URL by adding #imageurl on the end. For example: https://whscience.org/mapmeasure/#https://i.postimg.cc/sXGpff1M/image.png. Not all image hosts allow sharing images this way so I suggest using postimage.org You need the direct link including the “.png” or “.jpg” on the end.

Measuring Gravity - Physics - I normally do an activity where I drop a metal ball down a three flight stairwell and have students time it. I can’t do that remotely so I will use this simulation. Students time a 10m drop and then can calculate g. They can then use that to calculate a greater distance.

Measuring Gravity Data - Physics - The app records postion/velocity vs time data with some noise. Students can download the data and use linear regression to find the acceleration. They can run the simulation more times to gather more data and see their slope stabilize around a more accurate value. Built to help high school students use the analyzing and data practice.

Motion Graphs - Physics - Replicates an activity where you move in front of a motion detector and look at the position, velocity, and acceleration graphs. I like to have students try and make interesting graphs and then have others replicate them. See the Piano app below for a rewritten new version.

Music Waves - Physics - Keyboard that plays sounds and shows the wave on the screen. Can change the audio volume. Sound may not work on some old platforms. White keys only, black keys don’t work.

Pendulum - Physics - Change the mass and string length of a pendulum and watch it swing. Height and velocity shown on screen. Students can measure the period by hand with a built in stopwatch. Data can be exported as csv. Also available with damping and in a simpler version without velocity and data export.

Piano - Physics - Keyboard that plays sounds. Keys are numbered and also show musical notes. All keys work. Also available in a version that shows a longitudinal sound wave. In that version students can measure wavelengths.

Position Velocity Graph - Physics - Drag a car around the screen and see the position vs. time and velocity vs. time graphs. There is some smoothing to simplify the motion and help make the graphs more clear. Works best with touch but functions with mouse.

Pull Cart - Physics - Push or pull on a cart through a spring. The app records force and acceleration and graphs them so students can figure out the mass is the slope. Can export the data as csv. The Find Mass Version has three carts with different unknown masses. Students can download data and use linear regression to find the masses. Built to help high school students use the analyzing and data practice. The No Random version removes the randomness so students can find the slope of the force vs. acceleration graph by hand.

Relative Car Velocity - Physics - Change the velocity of a car and a truck to be faster/slower and forward/back. The app shows a table showing the velocity vs. time of each vehicle and the relative velocity. See Velocity Table Graph Relative for a drag and drop version with a graph.

Roller Coaster Motion - Physics - Change the angle of the slope and initial of a roller coaster. Record and download position, velocities, and acceleration. Data is also shown as graphs on screen. Also comes in a version without acceleration data if you want students to find acceleration themselves.

Solar Panel Angle - Physics - Change the angle of a solar panel with respect to a light sources or the light source’s brightness in order to find patterns.

Velocity Table Graph Simple - Physics - Drag and drop a truck and see its velocity vs time data. Visualize the data as a graph and table. Students can download the data as a csv. See also Velocity Table Graph Relative that adds a car so see relative velocities.

Velocity Table Graph Relative - Physics - Drag and drop a truck as a car drives from behind and see each vehicle’s velocity vs time as well as the relative velocity. Visualize the data as a graph and table. Students can download the data as a csv. See also Velocity Table Graph Simple with only the truck.

vertical roller coaster - Physics - The roller coaster travels vertically at a constant speed, waits at the top, and then falls. The main version shows position, velocity and acceleraiton graphs with downloadable data. Comes in two other versions: Without acceleration data hides the acceleration data so students can find it, Variable Height allows students to change the maximum height of the ride,

Spaceship Programming - Physics - Program an unmanned spaceship by turning on and off thrusters to maneuver to a target. Very game like with missions. Helps students think about forces, especially what Newton’s First Law means. Impulse is also implicit since thrusters need to be turned on for certain amounts of time. Now includes a version with measurement tools where students can measure distances, and a version without missions for experimentation.

Storms - Physics - Students change the temperature of the atmosphere and see the effect on clouds and wind. A very simplified version of a weather simulation. I used this as a summative assessment where students practiced finding patterns and then constructing explanations of why climate change causes more violent storms using ideas about kinetic and potential energy. Also availible in °C.

Two Speakers - Physics - Listen to the sound from two speakers at different places and see a transverse version of the recorded wave. The user can move the microphone and change the frequency and amplitude of the sound from the two speakers. The simulation shows rings for the peaks and troughs from each speaker. I apologize for the clicking sound you hear, especially when moving the microphone.

Wave Addition - Physics - Students enter the frequencies and amplitudes of two waves and see the result. Students can discover interference patterns. Also available in a version where students can change the phase in degrees or in radians.

Wave Combination - Physics - Students drag dots to form two (static) waves forms. The app shows what the combination would be if they were added. Also good for students making waves with different wavelengths/amplitudes.

Wave Interference - Physics - Change the wavelength and amplitude of two waves and see the resultant wave. The waves move so it looks like a real wave.

Wave Speed - Physics - Students change the tension and amplitude and then measure the resulting wave’s period, wavelength and wave speed using digital meter sticks and stopwatch. Students can find patterns and mathematical relationships with wavespeed, frequency and wavelength.

Measurement or Problems

Think of these as virtual practice problems. Students make measurements and calculate or figure something out.

Bacteria Plate Streaking - Biology - Students practice the procedure of streaking a plate to isolate a bacteria culture. Heavy inspired by this excellent simulation out of Michigan State University that unfortunately doesn’t work well for remote learning because it requires flash. A request of my wife’s.

Codon Chart - Biology - Not really a measurement or problem but a tool. Quick interactive version of a circular codon chart. It helps students learn how to read the static version since it gives visual feedback about which amino acid you are selecting.

Cat Genetics – DNA to Protein - Biology - Take two genes from four cats through the process of transcription to translation to protein folding. Students can find patterns in the genes that code for the protein that makes eumelanin and the protein that moves the melanin into the cat hairs. They can even identify how the DNA changed to give the different version and explain how that changed the cats’ appearance. Students also practice the mechanics of transcription and translation. Based on my original Hemoglobin DNA to Protein app. This app uses shortened versions of the real DNA sequences.

Codon Chart - Biology - Not really a measurement or problem but a tool. Quick interactive version of a circular codon chart. It helps students learn how to read the static version since it gives visual feedback about which amino acid you are selecting.

DNA Replication - Biology - Students act as the enzymes involved in DNA replication, they open the strand as helicase and then copy both sides as polymerase. Simple, but gives students practice quickly and independently. Works with touch or mouse and keyboard.

DNA to Protein - Biology - Students Transcribe and Translate a sequence of DNA and then see the amino acid chain fold into a protein. The app keeps track of how many they complete in case you want to use it for homework. You can either use randomly generated sequences or four built in segments taken from the four subparts of hemoglobin. Once students complete all four protein subparts, they can see the assembly of the whole protein. Sickle celled hemoglobin is also shown so they can compare how a point mutation changes the shape of the final protein and cell. There is also a version for practice without hemoglobin and a practice version with much shorter sequences.

Gel and Restriction Enzymes - Biology - An old request of my wife’s - Two simulations. The first is using restriction enzymes without sticky ends. The second is moving DNA segments a la gel electrophoresis. Keeps track of how many you have done.

Transcription and Translation - Biology - Move base pairs around to transcribe off an open DNA sequence and then act as tRNA and bring in the right amino acid using a chart. I’m going to be honest. This app is so old I don’t really remember making it but I tested it out and it seems to work fine. There is a new, cleaner version of this that also show protein folding. See Dna to Protein above

Bond Energy Happiness - Biology/Chemistry - This is my attempt at dispelling the common misconception that breaking bonds releases energy. I tried to make it clear that it is the reforming of more stable bonds that release energy.

Acceleration Examples - Physics - Many cars on screen showing different motions with acceleration. Each shows the distance and velocity graphs vs. time. I made many versions of this: bus, bus2, bus3.

Ants - Physics - Two ants run across the screen. Students use a ruler and stopwatch (included digitally) to find velocity and acceleration. It’s like a physics problem but with a real moving object so all the quantities have meaning. There are many calculations that can be done of varying difficulty. Ants II has students estimate initial and final velocity by using sets of lines close together to see which ant has a higher acceleration. Ants II is also available with the opposite outcome incase you want different sections to get different results. Ants III shows both ants with constant velocitie. Students can use them to measure distance or see which ant is faster. Ants III is also available with the opposite result in case you want different sections to get different results.

Cars - Physics - Three cars of different colors drive along a road. Students can time them and use calculations to determine their velocities. This version has all constant speeds but they start at different places.

Cars II - Physics - Three cars of different colors drive along a road. Students can time them and use calculations to determine their velocities. This version, one of the cars has acceleration.

Car Challenge - Physics - Students take measurements and make calculations to determine if the car has a small acceleration or if it traveling at a constant speed. There is also a second version with the alternative outcome.

Car Crash - Physics - Students figure out if a driver in a minor car crash is to blame. They check the driver’s statements against recorded information, measurements, and calculations to judge if the driver is telling the truth. This page has the information I gave them.

Curling Quiz - Physics - Shows a curling stone sliding across the screen. Current time and velocity are shown.

Kayak Quiz - Physics - Shows a dot tracking a kayak on a long trip along with the time in several units. Students can pause but have no other tools or controls. I challenged my students to estimate the speed of the kayak and decide if it changes.

Measuring Gravity - Physics - I normally do an activity where I drop a metal ball down a three flight stairwell and have students time it. I can’t do that remotely so I will use this simulation. Students time a 10m drop and then can calculate g. They can then use that to calculate a greater distance.

Measuring Gravity With Data - Physics - The app record position and velocity vs. time data. Students download the data as csv and use regression to find g. Students can add multiple runs of data to the same set and hone in on a more precise value.

Measuring g on Moons of Jupiter - Physics - Students are given animations of a ball bouncing on four moons of Jupiter. They use a digital ruler and stopwatch to measure realistic values of g on each of the moons. I used it as a quiz where students were randomly assigned one of them and had to measure from the bottom to the top of the bounce and then calculate.

Motion Yes No - Physics - One of the hardest things for physics students is keeping a clear distinction between velocity and acceleration. This app helps by putting a moving object in front of them and asking, ‘is there velocity?”, “is there acceleration?”, “is the velocity changing?”, etc. This is very frustrating for the students, but I find it to be very helpful. I have many versions of this asking about different quantities and including the direction. There is even a test version if people find it helpful. Keeps track of number in a row.

Velocity and Acceleration Example - Measurement/Problem - Shows dots moving to demonstrate what it means to have velocity with or without acceleration in different directions. All use “positive is to the right and negative is to the left” as a frame of reference. If you add #numbers on the end it shows numbers for the velocity and acceleration (no units since on the screen it is arbitrary). There is also a version that includes an object moving in a cicle.

Wave Comparison - Physics - The app generates two waves and students compare them on frequency, wavelength, period, and amplitude. It shows both longitudinal and transverse waves. Users an select individual particles to make them easier to track.

Wave Measurement Practice - Physics - The app generates a graph of a wave on a grid. Students practice measuring wavelength, amplitude, and number of waves. The app checks if they are right and keeps track of how many they have in a row.

Wave Measure Simple - Measurement/Problem - The app generates a wave. Students measure the wavelength and period using a digital ruler and stopwatch. There are fixed examples to do as a class and then randomly generated practice waves. See the patreon post for the formula for the correct answer for the practice waves.

Wave Measure Speed - Measurement/Problem - The app randomly generates a wave. Students measure the amplitude, wavelength, and period then calculate the frequency and speed. The students can enter their findings and the app will check whether they are right and give feedback. It also keeps track of number in a row and score.

Model Builder

Food Web - Biology - Students add organisms and then connect them through predator-prey relationships to create a model of an ecosystem. They can then highlight individual organisms to make the relationships within the model clear. The app can create links so they can share their food webs. This is an example of the local Chicago ecosystem my students made.


I’m not going to claim these are the most effecient way to learn something, but they are at least a little bit fun.

Mammu and Amfa - Homeostasis Game - Biology - I actually made this for my astronomy class in our astrobiology unit but the purpose is to get students thinking about homeostasis. A short platform puzzle game. Two aliens must work together and use their strengths and weaknesses to maintain homeostasis and explore the galaxy.

Sleigher - Physics - Silly game of delivering presents. Players compete to try and land their sleigh on the house by changing its launch angle and velocity.

VectARRR - Physics - Silly digital board game. Learn vector addition/subtraction on the high seas. Race to the island with the buried treasure by adding and subtracting from the available vectors. X marks the spot. AAARRRR!

Diagram Makers

Sometimes it’s easier for me to make an app once rather than make 100 versions of a diagram.

Blood Pressure Diagram - Biology - A request of my wife’s - Shows the dial on an analog sphygmomanometer. Can show systolic and diastolic side by side or on the same dial. Use a screenshot to save the image. (Win-PrtScn or Fn-Win-Space on Windows, Shift-Cmd-4 on Mac)

Chromosome Diagram - Biology - A request of my wife’s - Make pictures of chromosomes showing bands. The bands can be labeled wtih alleles. You can change the color of the chromosomes and the length of its legs. Screenshot to save the diagrams.

Codon Chart - Biology - Quick interactive version of a circular codon chart. It helps students learn how to read the static version since it gives visual feedback about which amino acid you are selecting.

Pedigree Maker - Biology - A request of my wife’s - Make pedigree diagrams by dragging the pieces around. Double click to select a piece. Use a screenshot to save the image. (Win-PrtScn or Fn-Win-Space on Windows, Shift-Cmd-4 on Mac)

Energy Bars - Physics - Tiny app to make bar graphs of types of energy. Drag up and down in each bar. Double Tap the label at the top of a bar to remove it from the diagram. By default it shows kinetic (KE), potential (PE), chemical (CE), heat (HE), and total energy (TE). Hit save and it will download the image.

Feedback Loop Diagram Maker - Biology - My wife was making diagrams for students to practice thinking about feedback systems in the body. I saved her some time (read procrastinated on my own work) by making her an app where she can quickly make the diagrams. Click on the boxes or arrows to edit the text. Click the screenshot button to save as images.

Osmosis Diagram Maker - Biology - Quickly make infinite diagrams showing a cell membrane molecules inside and out so students can practice thinking about the flow of water across the membrane. Change the amounts by dragging the boxes on the right. Click to re-roll with the same numbers. Screenshot to save the diagram. (Sorry, no screenshot button on this one.)

Reaction PE - Chemistry/Physics - Quickly make diagrams showing PE of a reaction. Change energy of the reactants, products, and activation energy. Add and edit labels. Save clean looking PNG images. Locally auto-saves your last diagram on reloading. Made on commission.

Stick Figure - Physics - I use a lot of dynamic stick figures to illustrate a motion I am describing in writing. Semi detailed stick figures with two-segment arms and legs can really help demonstrate what is happening. This app helps making them easier.

Two Wave Diagrams - Physics - Combines two waves and saves a png of the result. Waves can be combined with AM, FM, or with simple interference. AM and FM support square waves. Can change the wavelength, amplitude, and phase of each wave. Wavelength and Amplitude are in pixel units. For phase 1=-90° for some reason.

Measurement Tools

Codon Chart - Biology - Quick interactive version of a circular codon chart. It helps students learn how to read the static version since it gives visual feedback about which amino acid you are selecting.

Oscilloscope - A very simple simulation of an oscilloscope to demonstrate how they work. Shows a single vibrating air molecule and the oscilloscope output. Doesn’t use triggering or anything like that. Users can drag the molecule and see the custom output.

Spring Scale - It’s just a spring scale. You put brass weights on it of masses between 0.05 and 1 kg. I made it so my students could have mass and weight data without needing to know about g.


Robots 2021-2022 - I was helping the school VEX robotics team by judging the skills competition and I found that many of the students had no strategy. I threw together this simple 2D version of the game to help them plan a strategy. It doesn’t do everything (The rings are just to get in the way for example) but It does help understand the rules.

Check back soon for more. Support ongoing development on patreon. whscienceteacher at outlook. com

Privacy: Wild Haired Science does not collect any personal identifying information of any kind. We do not engage in targeted advertising or advertising of any kind. We use privacy focused Plausible Analytics which does not collect any personal identifying information. Feel free to use the web apps in your classroom without running afoul of most if not all data privacy laws.